Blog | Coit Tower - San Francisco 2011

Coit Tower - San Francisco 2011

A few months ago, Penelope and I took a trip to San Francisco. At one point we went up to the top of Coit Tower, something I hadn't done since I was a child. I wanted to shoot some HDR photos from up there, but they don't allow tripods. Luckily I was able to brace the camera against the glass and got some steady shots:

Downtown San Francisco from Coit Tower #### Downtown San Francisco from Coit Tower

Coit Tower View #### Coit Tower View

Golden Gate Bridge from Coit Tower #### Golden Gate Bridge from Coit Tower

San Francisco Bay from Coit Tower #### San Francisco Bay from Coit Tower

Alcatraz from Coit Tower #### Alcatraz from Coit Tower



Post date:

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 at 1:25:10th PM
