Blog | OC Hacking Summit IV - No Protection version 4

OC Hacking Summit IV - No Protection version 4

For the last three years we have brought you panels of security experts from

some of the members of the most elite hacker groups in Southern California.

This year we present the Orange County Hacking Summit IV - No Protection

version 2.003. This year we will be presenting some of the best and

brightest security engineers and hackers of the So Cal hacking and computer

underground community.

OC Hacking Summit IV

No Protection version 2.003

READ THIS DISCLAIMER: The AIP Orange County Chapter is posting this warning because of the possibility of adult content and language that could be present at this months meeting. If YOU ARE offended in anyway by the use of strong language or adult humor then this meeting is NOT for you. So if you RSVP, you do so at your OWN RISK and we will not be responsible for what you could hear, see or learn. THIS YEAR SEATING IS LIMITED TO 200!!!

For the last three years we have brought you panels of security experts from some of the members of the most elite hacker groups in Southern California. This year we present the Orange County Hacking Summit IV - No Protection version 2.003. This year we will be presenting some of the best and brightest security engineers and hackers of the So Cal hacking and computer underground community.

We will be providing demonstrations to show you some of the techniques and exploits being used today by hackers to gain remote access to your company's networks. These hacking demonstrations will show you exactly why there is NO PROTECTION. The demonstrations will also show how your own employees can use every day common devices such as MP3 Players and Digital cameras to compromise your network. We will also show tools that can be downloaded from the Internet, to hack into your company's network from their computers. The demonstrators will also be providing you with some security tools and tips you can use to protect your computer systems from being compromised.

The demonstrations and panelists for this evening's event will be organizers of Defcon, the world's largest hacker convention, Cypherpunk Wargames, Toorcon and members from such groups as twentythreedotorg (, LA2600, Digital Decay, Dachb0den Labs, and Network Thought Co.

Once again the AIPOC brings you some of the brightest and best talent in the security and computer underground. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to hear from some of Southern California's elite underground computer hacker groups, see some of the most latest hacking techniques, and talk with them one on one.

Security Note: Because of the nature of the demonstrations being presented there will be no cameras, recording devices, back packs or laptop computers allowed in the event unless prearranged and approved by the event management. All attendees will be subject to a body and handbag search at the door prior to entry. Any violators found at the door carrying one of these devices will not be allowed entry to the event and will be escorted from the facility by three very large security officers.

Hacking Demos:





Panel Moderator:


Hacker Panel Members:

jsyn - [Network Thought Co]

CHS - [ / LA2600]

Arclight - [ / Digital Decay]

flea - []

Tazinator - [HFX International Co]

h1kari - [Dachb0den Labs]

CommPort5 - [Dachb0den Labs]




When:: May 21, 2003

Where:: Connexion by Boeing - 15460 Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, CA, 92618

Time:: 5:00pm - 10:30pm


Members:. FREE

Non-Members:. $25.00

Includes t-shirt for early reservations

RSVP now space is limited!

Attend this event and receive a coupon for next months meeting.

Event Sponsors:

Connexion by Boeing

Do you want you or your company to speak on this panel?

If you or your company qualifies as experts or represent a business segment to the subject matter contact us immediately by sending an email to for your chance to represent your company or organization and participate.



5:00pm ? 6:00pm - Registration / Networking / Buffet Dinner

6:00pm ? 8:00pm - Hacking Demonstrations

8:00pm - 9:30pm - Hacker Panel

9:30pm - 10:00pm - Q & A from the Public

10:00pm - 10:30pm ? Closing, Adjourned, Networking

Thank you for your Orange County Community support.



Post date:

Friday, May 2nd, 2003 at 4:48:42 PM
