Blog | Downtown LA Walkabout #7

Downtown LA Walkabout #7

I love waking up early. This morning I rolled out of bed and started my day at 5:00 a.m. I love watching the sun come up and light up the skyline. I haven't been doing my walkabouts for a few days now, instead opting to do calisthenics in the loft, including jumping jacks, crunches, lunges and running in place.

Today I went for my walkabout despite the heavy coverage of smoke from a fire on 16th and Los Angeles. Today I walked up 5th street, over the Harbor Freeway and back down 6th street. Here are a few of the photos I shot along the way:

Futuristic Lighting

Smoke Over 6th Street

Orange Flowers

Click here to check out the rest of my Downtown LA Walkabout #7 gallery.



Post date:

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008 at 11:21:52 AM
